Friday, April 16, 2010

I have had some trouble keeping up with this blog lately. However, there have been a number of good things happening with this course. For example, compare grades from test one to test two, the average rises from 71% to 80%. There is more. I really like how the students engage with the website while in class. They seem to like the different activities. Of special note was the Usability review of possible candidates for remodeling the college website. Students really got into that and showed real insight. It reminds me that much of what we teach is already within their knowledge base. It's a matter of drawing it out.

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's spring break and I am working on the last half of the semester. This is where it becomes prudent to set realistic goals. Won't get through everything. So, be careful not to overshoot the target. That said, there are a couple of twists that need extra work to pull off. I need to get the online week together. In fact, as much content I can generate this week, the better. Review the coursepak, set up the review questions, revise lectures, anticipate quizzes, projects and final test. It feels almost like too much, overwhelming. Focus on one step at a time while keeping in mind the whole.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

I am pleased with the current direction of the course. I am glad to leave the first unit behind, and personally feel fresh energy toward digging into the next unit. This is a little different from how I have structured the course in the past (I have used this material before, mostly, but not as a unit). I like how it seems to jell as a unit. All this being said, I am overwhelmed with getting everything ready and organized and read to go. I am just getting my prep ready for the next day's class as opposed to my usually one week ahead of time. My head is above water, but just barely, which is not a comfortable feeling for me. Hopefully a couple of focused work sessions will gain me some ground.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well, I don't feel a very good teacher this week. The class lost it's unified flow, partially because of illness, then some work completion stuff. I felt I had to slow things down, that I had lost people and needed to stretch to herd everyone in. But I worry that it may not been that helpful or in some cases, too helpful, a little too much hand holding. I guess I am second guessing myself. But the great thing about teaching is that you get again the next day and try again. It may never be perfect, but you can keep trying. My plan is to use this weekend to get myself more oriented toward the next parts of the course and to keep making it better.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A disappointing result with the Wiki assignment, so far. Probably not more than half had it ready to go and fewer had their photos. Illness has been a factor all across campus, and I am feeling under the weather. Of course, this makes me less patient and understanding. But I also am disappointed with myself. How could these instructions be made better? Why is that so many seem unaware, or at least, unprepared? Now, with a test breathing down their necks, some of them are already behind. Last week all seemed stable and heading in a good direction. Now I am worried and not entirely sure of how to make things better.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Not sure why I was getting a sour attitude about this course. Totally unreasonable. This is a great group of students and we are looking at some cool and interesting stuff. Once again I remember that I love what I am doing. How could I forget :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am a little disappointed with myself, and with my students, about today's class and the current developments. I want to hold their attention and create engagement, but some of the stuff today was interesting to some, but probably not to all. Also not all are up to speed with the homework. The online lectures are not happening enough, and this is apparent in the quizzes and review questions. I think they are a little overwhelmed with using the website and I need to keep repeating what is expected. I hope Friday will be better.